It’s been my great honor and privilege to officiate several weddings. I am always happy to help create a unique ceremony for friends who might not want to go the traditional path. The process includes interviewing the couple, their families, and their friends to help craft a more personalized narrative for their special day. I love sharing in my friends’ joy, and it is undoubtedly the best seat in the house!

Let me tell your story.


”Sam and Quincy share the kinds of knowing smiles between each other that only couples with rich histories can generate. Anyone who has spent time around these two can attest to how infectiously happy they make each other. It’s a real blessing to marry your best friend, your favorite comedian, your couch laying, TV show binge watching, food loving, partner in crime.”

“I want you to take a moment to look around. Look at all the people who have gathered here to celebrate your love. Your tribe, that shares in the joys of your life. Also, take a moment to look in each other’s eyes, to feel that connection that has brought you into each other’s lives… and know that statistically speaking – you’re staring at the person most likely to murder you!”

“Dianna and Alex share the soft-spoken confidence that only the strongest couples display. They know they are each other’s person. They have their own language. Their love permeates every interaction, every conversation, every gesture, and every imagined vision for their future. They have made the sacrifices, put in the time, and the heartfelt work, that make relationships last. They have been by each other through difficulties and victories alike. And they have come out the other side stronger as individuals, and stronger in their love for each other.”

“In my role as officiant, I’ll be reminding us all of the wonderful stories involved in this marriage – the stories of Stuart and Kristen as individuals, the story of their early union, and the story of the long and happy future they now embark on together. Finally, there are the countless stories they share with you, their loved ones and cherished community. You have all in your own way supported and inspired them, laying the foundations on which they will build their lives together. So, on behalf of Kristen and Stuart, I would like to welcome you and thank you all for joining us as we celebrate one of the happiest days of their lives.”

“The biggest testament to their relationship, however, is how Megan and Matt have changed each other. On their very first date, Matt navigated a cheese board that Megan ordered. Cheese…which is a gooey, sticky, chaotic substance whose very crumbling nature appalls Matt’s orderly sensibilities. But even then, a part of Matt knew that it would be worth walking through a fromage soaked hellscape just to be with Megan.”

“Remember to always strive for happiness, even when it isn’t readily available. To anticipate each other’s needs and create a sanctuary within your home of all your shared values, affections, and dedication. Remember that you hold in each other’s hands your best friend’s happiness, their sense of continuity, and the vision they harbor in their hearts for the future ahead. Your partnership is an expression of your love. Each mindful act a solidifier of your strong foundations. Remember to grow, but also not to take yourself too seriously. Play forever and keep your hearts young. Tend to each other and always be honest. Finally, remember to maintain your beautiful individualism - even as you build this shared sanctuary together. Your unique characteristics add depth, richness, and dimension to the union you both help create. The best way you can serve each other, is to be your true selves.“

“I first met Danielle in New York City. An otherwise dark night was illuminated by vibrant city lights, and the bubbly personality of a young girl - who snuck her way into an exclusive party she was most certainly not invited to. Danielle and I became close friends over the years, and I’m sure many here would agree she has the unique capacity to make and sustain great friendships. She is, for all intents and purposes, a unicorn.”

“Jewish tradition has incorporated the breaking of a glass into the wedding ceremony. There are many interpretations as to its significance. It may represent the fragility of relationships and the care needed to strengthen them or it can be seen as the breaking away from one part of your life and the beginning of another. For many, it blends the two parts of marriage: the wine glass filled to the brim with sweetness and joy, and then the crushing of the glass representing the hardships that challenge a marriage. For most, however, it simply represents the last time a husband gets to put his foot down.”